
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Honest Confessions

In this cutesy, handmade, Pinterest world, I think it's time for a little mom/wife/woman honesty.

1. I tried to make peanut fudge with a super simple 2 step recipe and I inexplicably messed it up.

2. I have approximately six piles of clothes scattered around my house that need to be put away.

3. I have never made one thing with those wine corks I've been saving.

4. Only about ten things are hung on the walls of our house after 5 months.

5. On the car ride back from the beach, I let my toddler eat Pirate Booty for lunch.

6. I have not finished my wedding scrapbook and I don't think I ever will. I have recently decided to slap some glue to the rest of the pictures and just get them in there.

7. I throw Tupperware away some times just because I don't want to wash it. Also, spell check just had to tell me I needed to capitalize "Tupperware."

Feel better?

1 comment:

  1. this is so funny...I haven't read this in a while. Ha! I know exactly how you feel.
